Simple cross-sectional view for explaining the reactor

reactor containment vessel

reactor containment vessel

reactor containment vessel

Reactor containment vessel

原子炉 格納容器

Nuclear power plant_normal operating state

Nuclear power plant_new shelter

Nuclear power plant_accident

Nuclear power plant_contained state with sarcophagus

Infusion formulation

Click for member registration

Various resumes

central venous catheter

Blood clot in groin port

Blood clot in groin port Color

CV port

Rupture of the indwelling port in the groin


PICC catheter

Inguinal port rupture Collar

CV catheter insertion site and port position


Injection from CV port Internal color

CV port There is a figure from the side Color

CV port No text from the side Color

Simple convenience store

Central venous catheter

Injection from CV port Color


Blood clot attached to CV port catheter Collar

Blood clot attached to CV port catheter Line drawing

Broken CV port catheter line drawing

CV port catheter broken color

Vial Agent (Transparent/Brown)

winged needles and huber needles black and white

Cross section of central venous catheter

Image color seen from above the CV port

Injection from CV port With internal Line drawing

Injection from CV port With internal Monochrome

Button Collection -Orange Edition-

Injection from CV port Monochrome

Winged Needle and Huber Needle Color

Injection from CV port

Image seen from above the CV port Line drawing

Winged needle and huber needle line drawing

2 types of central venous catheter black and white

central venous catheter

conversion icon

triple lumen

Ampoule (transparent/brown)
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