Plante de feuillus

Houseplant set (table palm & yucca)

foliage plant set

Foliage plant

Plant handwriting style pen painting color

Ornamental plant illustration set

hand-painted foliage plant

Foliage plant

Dot material-Houseplant

Set color of houseplants

Foliage plant

Set of foliage plants-1

Ornamental plant set-1 (with name)

Foliage plant

Houseplant line drawing 12 types set color

Set of simple houseplants 2 white background

Simple houseplant set 2 beige

Set of 12 types of foliage plants monochrome

Set of foliage plants 12 types no letters black and white

Foliage plant set 12 types no letters color

Hand-drawn rough foliage plants

Simple houseplant set 2 blue

Set of simple houseplants 2 Brown

Simple houseplant set 2 green

california dry garden

california dry garden frame


Foliage plant

Ochanyibi Plant Collection

Plante d'intérieur - Arbre des jeunes

Ornamental plant set


Plante d'intérieur - Yucca (vert jaune)

Oyameni Plant Collection / Brown Back

Yucca houseplant

Foliage plant

Plante d'intérieur - Yucca (vert)

Ornamental plant Yucca 01

観葉植物 インテリア ユッカ




Ornamental plant Sansevieria

Material of real touch foliage plant (Yucca)

Foliage plant


various foliage plants

Ornamental plant Yucca 02

Ornamental plants (Yucca)

Yucca (houseplant)


Ornamental plant Yucca 03 No contour line


Foliage plant

A collection of ornamental plant materials

Houseplant Yucca


agave yucca

Hand-drawn yucca bowl



Foliage plant
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