Woman posing on a tree

Disabled person set to play sports

Senior man lifting a barbell

Warrior pose

Woman posing on a tree

Woman posing warrior

Open leg forward bending pose

Grasshopper pose

Man with dumbbells

Woman posing crescent

A man jumping rope

Woman reaching out

Woman posing a tree indoors

Men pulling up

woman doing dancer pose

Woman riding a bicycle

A woman doing a warrior pose indoors

Woman in a dancer pose

Tree pose

Old age 4

Dancer pose

Camel pose

Woman sitting and posing

Woman in a pose with one leg in both hands

Cobra pose

A woman in a lateral bending pose

Triangular pose

Woman in plank pose

A man in a triangular pose

Woman in bow pose

A woman in a one-handed camel pose

Woman posing camel

Woman posing handstand

Boxing father and son

Woman stretching

Cat pose

Triangular pose

Cobra pose

Woman stretching her hands

Man posing for a crane

Men doing yoga poses

Man posing as a warrior

Old age 2

Woman in a ski pose

Woman in a pose with both hands on the floor

A man in a forward bending pose

Woman posing on a ship

Woman sitting upright


Woman cross-legged

Woman doing dumbbell training

Old age 3

A woman posing with one hand on the floor

Woman sitting and posing crescent

Scorpion pose

Woman in yoga pose

A woman posing in Katada

Dove pose

Men stretching

Woman in bow pose

Kneeling pose on the head

A man in a pose that stretches his armpits

Woman posing on her back

Woman stretching

Woman wearing roller blades

Woman in scorpion pose

Woman bending forward

Plow pose

Woman in a sitting side-bending pose

Woman posing scorpion

Woman rolling roller skates

Woman with spread legs standing forward

Woman posing with a bow

Woman in a seiza pose

Dove pose

Woman in a reversal pose

Woman with lateral legs

Laptop_Person_Set 2



Mie tourism material set ①


Vehicle icon

Training set

Exercise at home

Isometric_ecology 02

Car_body type 02


Traffic safety illustration

Exercise at home

Train at home


Exercise at home





Office woman pose set 2

Diet Exercise 3

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