Dolphin's comment -2

Impossible solids

Impossible solids

Gentleman with a beard and uncle ribbon

Trompe l'oeil butterflies and girls

Penrose pentagons, hexagons, septagons, and octagons

Blue ripples

Impossible solids

Marche sous l'eau 2

Impossible solids

Nature terrestre

Trick · Pyramid - 4

Gentleman with a beard and uncle ribbon

Dolphin's comment -1

Purple brick 5

Swirl Tiger 1

Watering monkeys

Trick · Pyramid - 2

Dolphin's comment -3

Shaking wall 1-3

Promenade sous l'eau

Trick · Pyramid -1

Children and uncle (upper and lower pictures) color

Top and bottom pictures of children and chicks


Penrose pentagons, hexagons, septagons, and octagons

折り紙 塗り絵・線画


Optical illusion/illusion art that appears to be rotating

Monochrome diamond pattern background

Penrose triangle (thick)

Children and chicks

Harvest festival 1

Harvest festival 2

Bird human (black) chicken or male back

Arrow 1

Quail mantis 2

Tower 1



Galette des Rois-2c



Galette des Rois-1c

Impossible solids

Impossible solids

Impossible solids

Impossible solids

Impossible solids

Penrose circle A (impossible figure)

Penrose circle A (impossible figure)

Penrose staircase (impossible figure)

Penrose triangle (thick)

Penrose Double Quadrangle

Penrose Star of David

Penrose triangle

Penrose triangle

Penrose Pentagram

Dorado contre Bosnet 4

Dorado vs Bosnet clip 5

Fan 2

Hatafuri frog 2

Quail mantis 1

Bird human (red) chicken or male back

Gentleman with a beard and uncle ribbon

Child and uncle (upper and lower picture) 2

Top and bottom pictures of children and chicks

Orange swirl center emission background

Penrose circle A (impossible figure)

Penrose circle B (impossible figure)

I love you

Shaking wall 1-2

Un lac d'une grue?

Shaking walls 1-1

Penrose Quadrangle

Penrose Quadrangle

Penrose Pentagram

Penrose star polygon

Penrose star polygon

Optical illusion/illusion art that appears to be rotating

Penrose Star of David (gold, silver)

Taketori's Kaguya ~ 2

Taketori's Kaguya ~ 1

Winter scenery 15-3

Rotating Optical Illusion

Optical illusion art with color-changing bars

Optical illusion art with color-changing bars

Optical illusion art with color-changing bars

Optical illusion art with color-changing bars

Galette de Roa-2c

yellow origami icon

galette desrois

Red origami icon

Green origami icon

Purple origami icon

Trompe l'oeil (optical illusion) Lines that don't appear straight

Galette Delois-4c

Galette Delois-1c

Blue origami icon

The center of the bar may appear thin or thick.
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