
Occupation_Freelance 1

Work_Freelance 2

Coin set

3世代7人家族 びっくり 増税

Men checking savings, salaries and payments

accounting money

Tax bag icon

Tax return

Tax return documents 2

Tax return

Tax return documents

0940_map SYMBOL

Sake brewing image heading

90528.Building 3

70823. Building set 1

Map symbol summary

Tax return black and white version

Set of men in suits holding calculators

90625.building, set

Simple icon background of tax return



Money / household material summary

90529.Building 4

Inheritance icon set

Set of women in suits holding calculators

Tax return

Money icon set color 2


Set of men in suits holding calculators

Set of women in suits holding calculators

Icon set Various expenses of households

Office 23 Economic flow Invoice explanation set

Arrow set

Savings Payment Money icons

calculator set

0051_Fraudulent elderly women set

The money that stick figures suffer from money

Numbers and units for restaurants - black


Sake brewery image heading


sale tax

Increase in consumption tax

イートイン テイクアウト セット

70824. Building 2

Price Text arrangement Graphic style

増税 消費税 8% 10% 電卓 お金

0057-0064 PC set_Question mark

Elderly couple full body set A

Elderly couple full body set B

Tokyo Weather Black and White ⑤

Meat day


Map symbols set icon

Three-letter term icons that can be used in business situations

Three-letter term icons that can be used in business situations

Old couple and couple worried person illustration family

Money, wallet, bankbook, etc. illustration set 02

Money, wallet, bankbook, etc. illustration set 01

Local tax law

Condolence set (13) Procedure / inheritance

Tax return ①

Tax return set

Map symbol set 3

arrow set

Money icon set color

Material collection of people who have something


Map symbol list 01

A set of money that increases and money that disappears

Inheritance scene-001-set

Women checking savings, salaries and payments

Hands Genkotsu POP Battle Gloves Battle


Arrow icon set

手 人差し指 POP 指差し 手袋 怒る

Accounting material set



イートイン テイクアウト アイコン 白黒

Mail order icon set

Arrow set

POP numbers and tax excluded

Corn Variety Set


Tax exemption in three languages

Man (burden / character set)


Arrow set

A set of 3-4 story buildings

business pictogram 4

Arrow set

居酒屋筆文字⑭ メリハリ文字 横書き

Income tax law

Flying vehicles-airplanes, aircraft, passenger planes

Quotation and invoice illustration
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