Wedding Ceremony Ⅲ

Hairtail Tenya Fishing

Flamenco dancer

Traitement de la Moxibustion



Traitement de la Moxibustion

Outil Moxibustion

Self moxibustion style

Traitement de la Moxibustion

Self rice cake

Traitement de la Moxibustion

Traitement de la Moxibustion

灸 on the foot (three shades)

Bride having her mother veil down

Wedding veil down


A bowl in hand (Aiya)

A bowl in hand (Aiya)

Self rice cake

Traitement de la Moxibustion

Self moxibustion style

灸 on the foot (three shades)

Traitement de la Moxibustion

Dry laundry sign

Illustration of bale down

Dry laundry sign



Pedestal moxibustion

Prisoner (orange) to be photographed

Prisoner to be photographed (border)
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