


pot-au-feu black and white

Pot-au-feu (hot pot)


Housewife carrying a finished pot

Housewife making pot-au-feu for dinner

Housewife tasting a hot pot

Potato Me Queen

Housewife tasting a hot pot

Housewife carrying a finished pot

Housewife and calico cat to check the workmanship of the pot

Housewife making pot-au-feu for dinner

Housewife and calico cat to check the workmanship of the pot

Housewife carrying a finished pot

Housewife worried about whether the dinner menu is curry or pot-au-feu

Housewife worried about whether the dinner menu is curry or pot-au-feu

Housewife making pot-au-feu for dinner

Warm pot

Various soups and stews
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