Chabudai Gaeshi

Huit oiseaux

Menopause headache

Wire mesh 03

Bowling 3




A child throwing things. Tantrum, panic

Faire un pas sur 2

Spoiled rabbit

Woman who hit her foot

Birds Birds blue bird heart yellow bird

I'm sorry Baby throat hurts


Hand-painted rough speech bubbles & English greetings

People who get angry when things don't go their way

Animal cockroach (yellow) 1

Mokomoko balloon in the lower half

Set of frames and icons Flowers and birds

A girl throwing beans

Boy throwing beans

Eight hit kids, easy to get frustrated

Hand-drawn rough speech bubbles & English daily conversation

Huit billets 3

Dodge ball

Animal cockroach (yellow white blue) 4 pose

【Hand-painted / realistic】 Fire bird (whole image)

Animal cockroach (white) 4 pose

domestic child abuse

Animal Cockatiel (Yellow) 2

Gout man

Animal Cockatiel (Yellow) 3

Child Abuse

Stick Figure Snowball Fight 4

Soulagement de stress 2

A woman who complains

I'm frustrated with Mr. Deb.

A woman in plain clothes with an angry expression (upper body)

Marcher sur 1

Poinçonnage 1

Filles * haricots maki

Mokomoko balloon in the lower half

Long-term care site 8 Long-term care harassment

Bird bird bird clover


speech bubble




stick man kicking

【Hand-painted / realistic】 Fire bird (part)


Garçons * haricots maki

Pencil touch icon frameset autumn color

C _ chicken dance


White cat kicking a can


Long-term care harassment 05_ throw things

Back pain A woman in plain clothes suffering from back pain

Girls enjoying pillow fights

Uniform woman with an angry look (upper body

Illustration of a woman causing hysteria

Huit à quatre

Wire mesh 01

Drop your smartphone Crackable screen Bakiphone

Huit à six


Power harassment-006-whole body

Hand drawn bird and frame

Woman punching a male doll

Speech bubble 1 (cloud)

Usagi injury

Hysteric lady's illustration

Rabbit with a hurt leg

Back pain Uniform women suffering from back pain

8 out of 8

Oni and Mamemaki

Drop your smartphone

Angry woman

A pressure cooker emitting steam vigorously

Angry men's and women's suits, uniforms (upper body)

Angry Aunt

Spring key

Mothers and children subject to domestic violence


Pencil touch MENU icon_ice

Maternity harassment

Long-term care harassment 04_ unreasonable demand

Chickly real chick

Kozakurineko (Tiger Cherry)

Emily 28

Dog houses and birds


5 sur 8

Cheers icon set

【Seal】 Garçons * Bean Maki

Dodgeball _ Neko-chan
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